Why are product recalls important?

Products are often placed onto store shelves and sold to consumers even though they are unsafe or contain manufacturing defects. A product recall is a procedure where defective or dangerous product are retrieved from consumers. In some cases, these recalls can lead to product liability lawsuits. Product recall defined Recalls are usually issued when a […]

Personal injury damages for accident victims

Victims of defective products, medical malpractice and car accidents share one thing in common. All may suffer physical, financial and emotional damages in an unexpected car accident because of a negligent driver; in a medical malpractice incident disappointing the trust they placed in their medical care provider; or because of a dangerous or defective everyday […]

Pursuing compensation after a car accident leads to injuries

The thousands of so-called “fender benders” that happen throughout Kentucky each year can lead to a myriad of minor injuries, such as cuts and bruises, or even minor concussions. However, as common as motor vehicle accidents are, the reality is that some are serious enough to cause life-changing injuries. Serious car accidents not only lead […]

Volvo issues largest recall in car’s history

When a Kentucky resident purchases a car, they believe that the car manufacturer has taken the time to make sure the car is safe. Most of the time, car manufacturers take many steps to ensure their car’s safety with extensive testing. But car recalls still occur and Volvo recently announced the largest one in their […]