Volvo issues largest recall in car’s history

When a Kentucky resident purchases a car, they believe that the car manufacturer has taken the time to make sure the car is safe. Most of the time, car manufacturers take many steps to ensure their car’s safety with extensive testing. But car recalls still occur and Volvo recently announced the largest one in their […]

Court address e-retailer liability

E-commerce has rapidly changed how we purchase merchandise, especially over the last three months. Courts are beginning to address whether e-retailers are liable for merchandise sold on their websites in a product liability lawsuit. Recently, the federal Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Amazon was not liable under state product liability law, relied upon […]

Federal agency finds defects in pipeline that exploded in 2019

Congress has created many agencies that are responsible for monitoring safety in large public utilities, including power lines, railroads and pipelines. The operators of these utilities often argue that government regulation is unnecessary because they can police themselves and are capable of finding, reporting and correcting safety problems. Unfortunately, many of these statements are patently […]

The serious harms that result in a motorcycle crash

When a beautiful day lands on a weekend, residents in Kentucky think of ways to enjoy the outdoors. For motorcycle enthusiasts, this means taking to the road either solo or in a large group of bikers. But the weather does not need to be clear, sunny and warm for motorcyclists to be out and about. […]

Rate of diagnostic errors for “Big Three” conditions

You go to the doctor because you are ill or injured. While you may not be elated about the visit, you are secure with your decision to seek medical attention because you place much trust in your health care practitioners. But doctors are just like you and me, they are humans that are also subject […]

Defective medical devices and reporting to the FDA

Advancements in technology have proven to be very resourceful in society. While they hold many benefits, when a product does not function properly because of a defect, this could cause significant harm to the consumer. With regards to medical devices, a patient is under the impression that the device placed inside of their body or […]

Suing a truck company may position you better for the future

It can happen in the blink of an eye. A semi-truck driver falls asleep behind the wheel or takes his eyes off the road to look at a text message, causing him to veer into oncoming traffic, fail to stop for slowed traffic, or run a stoplight. The mere moments of attention taken off the […]

Tips for truck drivers to avoid driver distraction

Distracted driving is a danger on the roadways and can be especially dangerous when a truck driver is distracted. It is important for truck drivers to avoid driving distracted because any truck accident can result in catastrophic injuries and devastating consequences for victims. Some safety tips to help truck drivers avoid driving while distracted can […]

Subaru recalls nearly 200K vehicles for faulty fuel pumps

A recent recall, filed with the National Highway Traffic Safety Association, includes the 2019 Subaru Outback, Ascent, Impreza, and Legacy, for a total of 188,207 vehicles. The vehicles were recalled due to a faulty fuel pump that could develop cracks and deform. This can cause a vehicle’s engine to suddenly stall, therefore making it more […]

Who is responsible for a dangerous or defective product?

Victims of a dangerous or defective product may wonder who is responsible for the impact of a dangerous or defective product they have suffered. It is important for victims injured by a dangerous or defective product to be familiar with the legal remedies available to them and who may be liable for the damages they […]